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Title (English)
Language of publication
Russian, English
Periodicity (English)

The Bulletin AMTECH is a periodical and will be published 4 times a year, not counting special issues.

All published articles must meet Russian and international requirements.

In the Russian GOST system, there are about 180 standards related to publishing. For private matters, please contact them.

Below are the requirements applicable to electronic publications for articles that should be fulfilled.

GOST R System of standards for information, library and publishing. ARTICLES IN JOURNALS AND COLLECTIONS. Publishing design (given in part)

3 Terms and definitions In this standard, the terms according to GOST R 7.0.3 are applied.

4 Publishing of articles in journals and collections

4.1 The elements of the publishing design of articles are: - information about the publication in which the article is published; - the name of the heading or section of the publication; - type of article; - Universal Decimal Classification Index (UDC); - digital object identifier (digital object identifier — Doi); - for the main article; - subtitle data of the article; - information about the author(s); - abstract (summary). - keywords (phrases); - acknowledgements; - a sign of copyright protection; - a list of non-textual bibliographic references; - information about the continuation or end of the article; - application(s). - notes; - date of receipt of the manuscript to the editorial office of the publication, date of approval after review, date of acceptance of the article for publication.

4.1.1 Additionally, the following may be provided: - a bibliographic entry for the article for further citation; - information about the contribution of each author, if the article has several authors: - an indication of the absence or presence of a conflict of interest and details of such a conflict, if any.

4.1.2 The form of presentation, sequence and location of the elements of the publishing design of articles are uniform in all editions of the publication.

4.1.3 Words and phrases in the elements of the publishing design of the article are not abbreviated, except for information about the academic degree and title of the author (see 4.9.7), words and phrases in bibliographic references and lists according to GOST 7.11, GOST R 7.0.12.

4.1.4 As a rule, each article in the publication is published from a new page.

4.1.5 The main text of the article can be structured and consist of the following parts: - introduction; - the text of the article (highlighting the sections "Materials and methods". "Results". "Discussion", etc.-); - conclusion. It is allowed to divide the main text of the article into thematic headings and subheadings. The inscriptions and captions to the illustrative material are given in the language of the text of the article and. as a rule. they repeat it in English. The main text of the article in the publication can only be in one language. It is not allowed to mix text in two languages in one article.1)

4.1.6 Before the main text of the article, the following elements of the publishing design are given in the language of the text of the article and then repeated in English: information about the publication in which the article was published, the name of the heading or section, the type of article, its title and subtitle data, basic information about the author(s), abstract, keywords, acknowledgements, bibliographic an entry for citation. The names are given in transliterated form in Latin according to GOST 7.79 or in the form in which it was established by the author or the editorial board of the publication (see Appendix A).

4.1.7 After the main text of the article, the following elements of the publishing design are given in the language of the text of the article and then repeated in English: additional information about the author(s), information about the contribution of each author, an indication of the absence or presence of a conflict of interest and detailing such a conflict, if any, as well as the date of receipt of the manuscript to the editorial office, approval after reviewing, acceptance of the article for publication.

Russian Russian 4.1.8 If the article is not published in Russian, then the elements of the publishing design listed in l. 4.1.6 and 4.1.7 are first indicated in the language of the article, then in English, and then in Russian. If all the articles of the publication are published in English, then the elements of the publishing design in other languages may be omitted.

4.2 Information about the publication in which the article was published: title of the publication, year. volume. issue number, information about the pages on which the article is posted. — they are given in the language of the text of the publication and repeated in English. If the publication does not have a parallel title in English, then the title is given in transliterated form in Latin according to GOST 7.79 or in the form in which it was established by the editorial board. This information is usually placed at the top of the first page of the article. The page range is not specified if this data is given in the footer.


Fundamental and clinical medicine. 2020. Vol. 5, No. 2. pp. 8-21.

Fundamental and clinical medicine. 2020. Volume 5. No. 2. pp. 8-21.

It is allowed to provide information in English about the publication in which the article is published, according to the chosen style of registration of the list of non-textual bibliographic references adopted in foreign publications (see 4.14.4).


Fundamental clinical medicine. 2020. Vol. 5, No. 2. pp. 8-21.

Fundamental and clinical medicine. 2020;5(2):8-21.

In addition to the eruption report in which the article is published, the International Statistical Number (ISSN) can be saved.


Integration of education. 2020. Vol. 24. No. 3. pp. 4-12. ISSN 1991-9 468 (printed), ISSN 2308-1058 (online)

Integration of education. 2020. Volume 24. No. 3. pp. 4-12. ISSN 1991-9468 (printed), ISSN 2308-1058 (online)

4.3 The name of the heading or section of the publication is given before the first article published in this heading or section and, if a footer is used, in the header of each article.

4.4 The type of article – scientific article, review article, editorial article, discussion article, personalities, editorial note, book review, article review, performance, etc., short message – indicate at the beginning of the article in a separate line on the left.

4.5 The UDC index is placed at the beginning of the article on a separate line on the left.

4.6. MAKE sure that the information arrives in accordance with GOST R ISO 26324 and is distributed after the UDC index has deleted a separate line. They don't put a dot in the horse.


Scientific article

UDC 336.018(045)


Perhaps this will lead to the fact that I will be browsing the Internet in real time.


Scientific article

UDC 336.018(045)


In the article of the sad edition, when an e-identical electronic version is detected, it is indicated that the DOI and the electronic address are on the Internet.

4.7 The first word of the title of the article, as a rule, is capitalized, the rest of the words are lowercase (except for proper names, common abbreviations, etc.). At the end of the title of the article, a period is not put.


Ecology and regional energy conservation policy

Ecology and regional energy conservation policy

It is possible to bring all the title layers in capital letters.

4.7.1 As the title of the review, a bibliographic entry on the reviewed resource may be provided.

4.7.2 When publishing an article in parts in several editions of the publication, the parts must be numbered. and all parts should have a common title of the article. If the parts have, in addition to the common. a private title, then it is given after the designation and part number.


The study of the regularities of crystallization of aluminum chloride hexahydrate from hydrochloric acid solutions. Part 2. Crystallization parameters of aluminum chloride hexahydrate

4.8 The subtitle data of the article contains information explaining its title. The subtitle data is placed after the title of the article. If the article is a review with its own title, a bibliographic entry on the reviewed resource can be provided as subtitle data.


A valuable study of the bibliographic aspects of Safiullina's social memory 3. A. Social memory: library and bibliographic representation in the past, present and future / 3. A. Safiullina. — Moscow; Berlin: Direct Media. 2016. — 495. [2] p. — 500 copies.

4.9 Basic information about the author contains: - name. patronymic, surname of the author (in full):

- the name of the organization (institution), its division, where the author works or studies (without designation of the organizational and legal form of the legal entity: FGBUN. FGBOU VO. PJSC, JSC, etc.);

- the address of the organization (institution), its division, where the author works or studies (city and country);

- the author's e-mail address (e-mail);

- Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) (if available).

The address of the organization (institution) where the author works or studies can be indicated in full.

The e-mail address is automatically generated without using the word "e-mail", so the point cannot be set to the e-mail address.

ORCID normalizes electromagnetic radiation on the Internet. In the end, ORCID does not put an end to it. The naming of the organization (recognition), the e-address, the electoral address and the SPELLING of the author are separated from each other by commas.


Sergey Yurievich Glazyev

Financial University. Moscow. Russia, serg1784@mail.ru , https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4616-0758

4.9.1 In the case when the author works (studies) in several organizations (institutions), information about each place of work (study) is indicated after the author's name on different lines and associated with the name using superscript numeric designations.


Arpik Ashotovna Asratyan

1National Research Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Honorary Academician N. F. Gamalei, Moscow. Russia, zasratyan@ yahoo.com , https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1288-7561

2The first Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov (Sechenov University). Moscow. Russia

1Povolzhsky State Technological University . Yoshkar-Ola. Russia, korotp@ bk.ru , https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0340-074X
2Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University. Kazan. Russia, true47@mail.ru , https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2342-9355
3mariya State University. Yoshkar-Ola. Russia. e.zagaynova@listru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5432-7231 If the authors have the same place of work or study, then this information is provided once.
Julia Albertovna Zubok1. Vladimir Ilyich Chuprov2
1' 2 Institute of Socio-Political Studies. Federal Research Sociological Center. Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
1uzubok@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3108-261
2chuprov443@yandex.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7881-9388 If there are more than four authors, it is allowed to give the names, patronymics in the form of initials and surnames of the authors on the first page of the article. Full names, patronymics and surnames, as well as e-mail addresses. In this case, the authors' ORCID is placed at the end of the article along with additional information about the authors (see 4.9.7). At the same time, one of the authors is indicated on the front page of the article as the author responsible for correspondence, according to 4.9.3 or 4.9.4.
Information about the place of work (study) of the authors is given according to 4.9.2,
M. K. Gulimov1, Yu. I. Ammur1, A. S. Seleznev2, N. V. Davydova2, V. V. Zverev1, O. A. Svitich1
1 Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums named after I. I. Mechnikov. Moscow, Russia
2The first Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov (Sechenov University). Moscow. Russia The author responsible for correspondence: Julia I. Ammur, yulia.ammour@yahoo.fr
4.9.3 The author responsible for the correspondence and his e–mail address may be indicated by a conventional image of the envelope, in electronic publications - also by other means implemented by the publication software.
Svetlana Yuryevna Barsukova1, Sergey Nikolaevich Levin2
1National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia, svbars@mail.ru , https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2696-4882
2KEMER State University. Kemerovo. Russia, levin.sergey.n@gmail.com , https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3881-3579
4.9.4 It is possible to provide the e-mail address of only one author with whom correspondence is planned, or a separate indication of the author for correspondence in the form: "The author responsible for correspondence:" ("Corresponding author:"). This indication is placed after the information about all the authors on a separate line at the beginning of the article.
The author responsible for the correspondence: Ivan Vasilyevich Perov, ivp@mail.ru Corresponding author: Ivan V. Perov, ivp@mail.ru
4.9.5 When the e-mail address of only one author is given or this author is listed separately as responsible for correspondence, the e-mail addresses of other authors are given in additional information about the authors at the end of the article.
4.9.6 Information about the author(s) is repeated in English after the title of the article in English. The first and last name of the author(s) are given in full transliterated form in Latin, the patronymic is shortened to one letter (in some cases, due to the peculiarities of transliteration, up to two letters).
Sergey Yu. Glaz'ev Financial University. Moscow. Russia, serg1784@ mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4616-0758
4.9.7 Additional information about the author(s) may include:
- full names, patronymics and surnames, e-mail addresses and ORCIDS of the authors, if they are not indicated on the front page of the article (see;
- academic titles;
- academic degrees;
- other than ORCID, international identification numbers of authors.
Additional information about the author (authors) is given with the preceding words "Information about the author (authors)" ("Information about the author (authors)') and indicate at the end of the article after the "List of sources".
Information about the authors Yu.A. Zubok – Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor;
V. I. Chuprov – Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor.
Information about the authors
Ju. A. Zubok – Doctor of Science (Sociology), Professor;
V. I. Chuprov – Doctor of Science (Sociology), Professor.
Information about the academic degree and title of the author can be given in an abbreviated form.
Information about the author
S. Y. Gpaziev – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences.
Information about the author
S. Yu. Glaz'ev – Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof., Acad, of the Russ. Acad, of Sciences.
The editorial board of the publication can expand additional information about the author: specify his position (with the name and address of the organization), honorary titles, membership in organizations, etc
. 4.10 The annotation is formed according to GOST R 7.0.99. The volume of the abstract does not exceed 250 words. The word "Abstract" is given before the annotation.
A summary may be provided instead of an abstract. The volume of the resume usually does not exceed 250 – 300 words.
4.11 Keywords (phrases) must correspond to the volume of the article and reflect its subject, terminological area. They do not use generalized and polysemantic words, as well as phrases. containing participial expressions.
The number of keywords (phrases) should not be less than 3 and more than 15 words (phrases). They are given, preceded by the words "Keywords:" ("Keywords:"), and separated from each other by commas. There is no period after the keywords.
Book publishing in Russia in 2019
Galina Viktorovna Perova1, Konstantin Mikhailovich Sukhorukov2
1, 2Russian Book Chamber. Moscow. Russia
1perova_g@ tass.ru
Annotation. The authors present the main statistical indicators of domestic book publishing in 2019, analyzing the state of print publications and trends in the development of publishing in Russia.
Keywords: publishing, book publishing statistics. Russian Book Chamber, Russia
Publishing in Russia in 2019
Galina V. Perova1, Konstantin M. Sukhorukov2
1, 2Russian Book Chamber, Moscow, Russia
Abstract. The authors provide the main statistics of the Russian book publishing in 2019, analyzing the output indicators of printed publications and trends in the publishing industry in Russia. Keywords: publishing, publishing statistics, Russian Book Chamber, Russia.
4.12 After the keywords, words of gratitude are given to organizations (institutions), scientific supervisors and other persons who assisted in the preparation of the article, information about grants, financing of the preparation and publication of the article, projects, research works in the framework or based on the results of which the article was published.
This information is given with the preceding word "Thanks:". In English, the words of gratitude are given after the keywords in English with the word “Acknowledgments" preceding:”.
Acknowledgements: the work was carried out with the support of the Russian Science Foundation, project No. 17-77-3019; the authors express their gratitude to Alexey Vadimovich Zimin for providing data on bottom topography in the White Sea.
Acknowledgments: the work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, Project № 17-77-300; the authors are grateful to Aleksey V. Zimin for providing the bottom topography data of the White Sea.
Information about the financing of the research, preparation and publication of the article can be given separately with the preceding word "Financing:" ("Funding:" or "Financial Support:").
4.13 The copyright protection mark is given in accordance with GOST R 7.0.1 at the bottom of the first page of the article, indicating the surname and initials of the author(s) or other copyright holders and the year of publication of the article.
4.14 The list of non-textual bibliographic references is placed after the main text of the article with the preceding words "List of sources". The use of the words "Bibliographic list", "Bibliography" is not recommended.
4.14.1 The list of non-textual bibliographic references includes entries only to resources that are mentioned or cited in the main text of the article. The bibliographic record for the list of non-textual bibliographic references is made according to GOST R 7.0.5.
4.14.2 References to non-textual bibliographic references are made according to GOST R 7.0.5.
4.14.3 Bibliographic records in the list of non-textual bibliographic references are numbered and arranged in the order of citation of sources in the text of the article.
4.14.4 Additionally provide a list of non-textual bibliographic references in Latin (“References”) according to the selected style of the list of non-textual bibliographic references adopted in foreign publications: Harvard, Vancouver, Chicago, ACS (American Chemical Society), AMS (American Mathematical Society), APA (American Psychological Association), etc. (see Appendix A). The numbering of entries in the supplementary list of non-textual bibliographic references should coincide with the numbering of entries in the main list of non-textual bibliographic references.
4.15 The reference list should be placed after the list of non-textual links with the preceding words "Bibliographic list".
4.15.1 The bibliographic list includes entries to resources on the topic of the article that are not referenced, as well as entries to the works of persons to whom the article is dedicated. The bibliographic entry for the reference list is made according to GOST 7.80, GOST R 7.0.100.
4.15.2 Bibliographic entries in the reference list are numbered and arranged alphabetically or chronologically.
4.16 Information about the continuation or end of the article should be indicated when it is published in parts in several editions of the publication at the end of each part, except the last, in form: "The continuation (ending) follows."

4.16.1 On the page with the beginning of each subsequent part of the article, in a footnote or before the text, put a mark "Continuation (ending)" and indicate the number(s) of the issue(s) of the publication in which the previous parts of the article were printed.
4.16.2 When publishing an article with a gap in one issue of the publication, at the end of each part, except for the last, mark "Continuation (end) on p. ...". On the page with the beginning of each subsequent part of the article published in one issue of the publication, before the text of the part of the article mark "Continuation (end). The beginning is on the page ...".
4.17 The appendix (appendices) to the article is published with its own title. In the title or subtitle data of the application, information is provided that this publication is an appendix to the main article. If there are two or more applications, they are numbered.
4.18 The article may contain in-text, subscript and out-of-text notes.
4.18.1 In-text notes are placed inside the main text of the article in parentheses.
4.18.2 Footnotes are placed at the bottom of the corresponding page of the text of the article.
4.18.3 Off-text notes are placed after the main text of the article before the "List of sources" with the preceding word "Notes".
4.18.4 Out-of-text and footnotes are associated with the text to which they relate, with callout or reference signs.
4.18.5 In-text and footnotes containing bibliographic references are compiled according to GOST R 7.0.5.
4.18.6 When publishing an article translated from the language of the peoples of the Russian Federation or a foreign language, as well as when reprinting an article from another source, a bibliographic entry for the original article according to GOST 7.80, GOST R 7.0.100. 4.19 Information on the
date of receipt of the manuscript to the editorial office of the publication, the date of approval after reviewing and the date of acceptance of the article for publication is given at the end of the article after all other information.
The article was received by the editorial office on 07/06/2020; approved after review on 08/08/2020; accepted for publication on 08/14/2020.
The article was submitted on 07/06/2020; approved after reviewing on 08/08/2020; accepted for publication on 08/14/2020.
4.20 Additional elements of the publishing design of articles are given before or after the main text of the article.
4.20.1 A bibliographic entry for an article in the language of its text (except English) for further citation is made according to GOST R 7.0.5 and given after keywords (phrases) in the language of the text of the article, preceded by the words "For citation:".
For citation: Sapir E. V., Karachev I. A. Challenges of a New Investment Policy: Protection and Encouragement of Capital Investments // Finance: Theory and Practice. 2020. Vol. 24, No. 3. pp. 118-131. https://doi.org/10.26794/2587-5671 - 2020-24-3-118-131.
The bibliographic entry for the article in English for further citation is made according to the chosen style of design of the list of non-textual bibliographic references adopted in foreign publications (see 4.14.4) and is given after the keywords (phrases) in English, preceded by the words “For citation:".
For citation: Sapir E. V., Karachev I. A. Challenges of a new investment policy: Investment promotion and protection. Finance: Theory and practice. 2020;24(3):118- 131. (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.26794/2587-5671-2020-24-3-118-131.
Russian and English versions of the article are available in two electronic formats, no indication of the language (In Russian) is given.
4.20.2 Information about the contribution of each author, if the article has several authors, is given at the end of the article after the "Information about the authors". This information is preceded by the words "Contribution of the authors:" ("Contribution of the authors:"). After the surname and initials of the author, his personal contribution to the writing of the article is briefly described (idea, collection of material, processing of material, writing of the article, scientific editing of the text, etc.).
Contribution of the authors:
Artemyeva S. S. – scientific management; research concept; development of methodology; participation in the development of educational programs and their implementation; writing the source text; final conclusions.
Mitrokhin V. V. – participation in the development of educational programs and their implementation; revision of the text; final conclusions.
Contribution of the authors:
Artemyeva S. S. – scientific management; research concept; methodology development; participation in development of curricula and their implementation; writing the draft; final conclusions.
Mitrokhin V. V. – participation in development of curricula and their implementation; follow-on revision of the text; final conclusions.
4.10.3 Information on the absence or presence of a conflict of interest and the details of such a conflict, if any, are given at the end of the article after the "Information about the authors". If the article provides data on the contribution of each author, then information about the absence or presence of a conflict of interest is indicated after them.
Contribution of the authors: all the authors have made an equivalent contribution to the preparation of the publication.
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
Contribution of the authors: the authors contributed equally to this article.
The authors declare no conflicts of interests.

For examples of publishing design, see GOST R 7.0.7-2021.

The review of articles and other materials of the Bulletin is carried out by the Editorial Board

The AMTECH newsletter will be distributed by subscription.

For AMTECH members, the subscription price is 1 ruble. For other subscribers, the price will be set later.

In the first phase, which will take at least two years, the AMTECH Newsletter will be distributed free of charge.

The publication of articles is paid.

The cost of publication will depend on the volume and complexity, so it will be set individually for each specific material.

The Amtech Bulletin respects copyrights for authors.

Kushlinsky Nikolai  — Head of the Laboratory of Clinical Biochemistry of the N. N. Blokhin Research Center of Oncology and the Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Diagnostics of the Moscow State Medical University
doctor of medical sciences
academician Russian Academy of Sciences ,
academician Russian Academy of Sciences from 01.01.2021 until now
Moscow, Russian Federation
Grachev Alexey  — Head of the Laboratory of Biology of Stromal Tumor Cells of the N. N. Blokhin Research Center of Oncology
doctor of sciences in biology
Moscow, Russian Federation
Kudryavtseva Larisa  — Head of the Laboratory Department of Infectious Diseases Clinical Hospital No. 1 of the Moscow Department of Health
doctor of medical sciences from 01.01.2008 until now
professor Russian Academy of Medical Sciences from 01.01.2009 until now
Moscow, Russian Federation
Emanuel Vladimir  — Head of the Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics with a course in Molecular Medicine of the Pavlov Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, member of the Presidium and Chairman of the Coordinating Council for Metrology in Medicine of the Metrological Academy, Expert on certification of management systems for compliance with ISO 13485:2016, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Federation of Laboratory Medicine.
doctor of sciences in biology from 01.01.2000 until now
professor Russian Academy of Sciences from 01.01.2002 until now
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Maslennikov Vladimir  — Chif editor
Association for furthering Medical Technologies (AMTECH) (Chairman)
from 01.01.2022 until now candidate of medical sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Association for Medical Technology Support
Association for furthering Medical Technologies (AMTECH)
The certificate of registration of the periodical
Эл №ФС77-84027
Date of issue testifies to the registration of the newspaper

The AMTECH Bulletin is designed to publish materials related to all aspects of the circulation of medical devices and related relevant developments and scientific research.
The topics of the Newsletter are as follows:
regulatory aspects;
analytical reviews;
methodological recommendations;
reports on the clinical use of medical devices;
scientific articles on the results of research that can be translated into medical devices;
educational and popular science materials;
discussion materials;
conference materials.

The Amtech Bulletin is a scientific and practical electronic publication. The Bulletin is supposed to publish materials on all aspects of the circulation of medical devices, including in vitro diagnostics. We plan to publish industry news, information about the latest legislative and regulatory documents, propose new methodological and technological procedures for discussion, and inform about the passage of pressing issues in government agencies. The bulletin is a new developing platform, so the topics are supposed to be constantly expanded.

The aim of the AMTECH Bulletin is to consolidate common efforts to improve the quality and safety of medical devices.

All published articles must meet Russian and international requirements.

In the Russian GOST system, there are about 180 standards related to publishing. For private matters, please contact them.

Below are the requirements applicable to electronic publications for articles that should be fulfilled.

GOST R System of standards for information, library and publishing. ARTICLES IN JOURNALS AND COLLECTIONS. Publishing design (given in part)

3 Terms and definitions In this standard, the terms according to GOST R 7.0.3 are applied.

4 Publishing of articles in journals and collections

4.1 The elements of the publishing design of articles are: - information about the publication in which the article is published; - the name of the heading or section of the publication; - type of article; - Universal Decimal Classification Index (UDC); - digital object identifier (digital object identifier — Doi); - for the main article; - subtitle data of the article; - information about the author(s); - abstract (summary). - keywords (phrases); - acknowledgements; - a sign of copyright protection; - a list of non-textual bibliographic references; - information about the continuation or end of the article; - application(s). - notes; - date of receipt of the manuscript to the editorial office of the publication, date of approval after review, date of acceptance of the article for publication.

4.1.1 Additionally, the following may be provided: - a bibliographic entry for the article for further citation; - information about the contribution of each author, if the article has several authors: - an indication of the absence or presence of a conflict of interest and details of such a conflict, if any.

4.1.2 The form of presentation, sequence and location of the elements of the publishing design of articles are uniform in all editions of the publication.

4.1.3 Words and phrases in the elements of the publishing design of the article are not abbreviated, except for information about the academic degree and title of the author (see 4.9.7), words and phrases in bibliographic references and lists according to GOST 7.11, GOST R 7.0.12.

4.1.4 As a rule, each article in the publication is published from a new page.

4.1.5 The main text of the article can be structured and consist of the following parts: - introduction; - the text of the article (highlighting the sections "Materials and methods". "Results". "Discussion", etc.-); - conclusion. It is allowed to divide the main text of the article into thematic headings and subheadings. The inscriptions and captions to the illustrative material are given in the language of the text of the article and. as a rule. they repeat it in English. The main text of the article in the publication can only be in one language. It is not allowed to mix text in two languages in one article.1)

4.1.6 Before the main text of the article, the following elements of the publishing design are given in the language of the text of the article and then repeated in English: information about the publication in which the article was published, the name of the heading or section, the type of article, its title and subtitle data, basic information about the author(s), abstract, keywords, acknowledgements, bibliographic an entry for citation. The names are given in transliterated form in Latin according to GOST 7.79 or in the form in which it was established by the author or the editorial board of the publication (see Appendix A).

4.1.7 After the main text of the article, the following elements of the publishing design are given in the language of the text of the article and then repeated in English: additional information about the author(s), information about the contribution of each author, an indication of the absence or presence of a conflict of interest and detailing such a conflict, if any, as well as the date of receipt of the manuscript to the editorial office, approval after reviewing, acceptance of the article for publication.

Russian Russian 4.1.8 If the article is not published in Russian, then the elements of the publishing design listed in l. 4.1.6 and 4.1.7 are first indicated in the language of the article, then in English, and then in Russian. If all the articles of the publication are published in English, then the elements of the publishing design in other languages may be omitted.

4.2 Information about the publication in which the article was published: title of the publication, year. volume. issue number, information about the pages on which the article is posted. — they are given in the language of the text of the publication and repeated in English. If the publication does not have a parallel title in English, then the title is given in transliterated form in Latin according to GOST 7.79 or in the form in which it was established by the editorial board. This information is usually placed at the top of the first page of the article. The page range is not specified if this data is given in the footer.


Fundamental and clinical medicine. 2020. Vol. 5, No. 2. pp. 8-21.

Fundamental and clinical medicine. 2020. Volume 5. No. 2. pp. 8-21.

It is allowed to provide information in English about the publication in which the article is published, according to the chosen style of registration of the list of non-textual bibliographic references adopted in foreign publications (see 4.14.4).


Fundamental clinical medicine. 2020. Vol. 5, No. 2. pp. 8-21.

Fundamental and clinical medicine. 2020;5(2):8-21.

In addition to the eruption report in which the article is published, the International Statistical Number (ISSN) can be saved.


Integration of education. 2020. Vol. 24. No. 3. pp. 4-12. ISSN 1991-9 468 (printed), ISSN 2308-1058 (online)

Integration of education. 2020. Volume 24. No. 3. pp. 4-12. ISSN 1991-9468 (printed), ISSN 2308-1058 (online)

4.3 The name of the heading or section of the publication is given before the first article published in this heading or section and, if a footer is used, in the header of each article.

4.4 The type of article – scientific article, review article, editorial article, discussion article, personalities, editorial note, book review, article review, performance, etc., short message – indicate at the beginning of the article in a separate line on the left.

4.5 The UDC index is placed at the beginning of the article on a separate line on the left.

4.6. MAKE sure that the information arrives in accordance with GOST R ISO 26324 and is distributed after the UDC index has deleted a separate line. They don't put a dot in the horse.


Scientific article

UDC 336.018(045)


Perhaps this will lead to the fact that I will be browsing the Internet in real time.


Scientific article

UDC 336.018(045)


In the article of the sad edition, when an e-identical electronic version is detected, it is indicated that the DOI and the electronic address are on the Internet.

4.7 The first word of the title of the article, as a rule, is capitalized, the rest of the words are lowercase (except for proper names, common abbreviations, etc.). At the end of the title of the article, a period is not put.


Ecology and regional energy conservation policy

Ecology and regional energy conservation policy

It is possible to bring all the title layers in capital letters.

4.7.1 As the title of the review, a bibliographic entry on the reviewed resource may be provided.

4.7.2 When publishing an article in parts in several editions of the publication, the parts must be numbered. and all parts should have a common title of the article. If the parts have, in addition to the common. a private title, then it is given after the designation and part number.


The study of the regularities of crystallization of aluminum chloride hexahydrate from hydrochloric acid solutions. Part 2. Crystallization parameters of aluminum chloride hexahydrate

4.8 The subtitle data of the article contains information explaining its title. The subtitle data is placed after the title of the article. If the article is a review with its own title, a bibliographic entry on the reviewed resource can be provided as subtitle data.


A valuable study of the bibliographic aspects of Safiullina's social memory 3. A. Social memory: library and bibliographic representation in the past, present and future / 3. A. Safiullina. — Moscow; Berlin: Direct Media. 2016. — 495. [2] p. — 500 copies.

4.9 Basic information about the author contains: - name. patronymic, surname of the author (in full):

- the name of the organization (institution), its division, where the author works or studies (without designation of the organizational and legal form of the legal entity: FGBUN. FGBOU VO. PJSC, JSC, etc.);

- the address of the organization (institution), its division, where the author works or studies (city and country);

- the author's e-mail address (e-mail);

- Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) (if available).

The address of the organization (institution) where the author works or studies can be indicated in full.

The e-mail address is automatically generated without using the word "e-mail", so the point cannot be set to the e-mail address.

ORCID normalizes electromagnetic radiation on the Internet. In the end, ORCID does not put an end to it. The naming of the organization (recognition), the e-address, the electoral address and the SPELLING of the author are separated from each other by commas.


Sergey Yurievich Glazyev

Financial University. Moscow. Russia, serg1784@mail.ru , https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4616-0758

4.9.1 In the case when the author works (studies) in several organizations (institutions), information about each place of work (study) is indicated after the author's name on different lines and associated with the name using superscript numeric designations.


Arpik Ashotovna Asratyan

1National Research Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Honorary Academician N. F. Gamalei, Moscow. Russia, zasratyan@ yahoo.com , https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1288-7561

2The first Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov (Sechenov University). Moscow. Russia

1Povolzhsky State Technological University . Yoshkar-Ola. Russia, korotp@ bk.ru , https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0340-074X
2Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University. Kazan. Russia, true47@mail.ru , https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2342-9355
3mariya State University. Yoshkar-Ola. Russia. e.zagaynova@listru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5432-7231 If the authors have the same place of work or study, then this information is provided once.
Julia Albertovna Zubok1. Vladimir Ilyich Chuprov2
1' 2 Institute of Socio-Political Studies. Federal Research Sociological Center. Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
1uzubok@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3108-261
2chuprov443@yandex.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7881-9388 If there are more than four authors, it is allowed to give the names, patronymics in the form of initials and surnames of the authors on the first page of the article. Full names, patronymics and surnames, as well as e-mail addresses. In this case, the authors' ORCID is placed at the end of the article along with additional information about the authors (see 4.9.7). At the same time, one of the authors is indicated on the front page of the article as the author responsible for correspondence, according to 4.9.3 or 4.9.4.
Information about the place of work (study) of the authors is given according to 4.9.2,
M. K. Gulimov1, Yu. I. Ammur1, A. S. Seleznev2, N. V. Davydova2, V. V. Zverev1, O. A. Svitich1
1 Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums named after I. I. Mechnikov. Moscow, Russia
2The first Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov (Sechenov University). Moscow. Russia The author responsible for correspondence: Julia I. Ammur, yulia.ammour@yahoo.fr
4.9.3 The author responsible for the correspondence and his e–mail address may be indicated by a conventional image of the envelope, in electronic publications - also by other means implemented by the publication software.
Svetlana Yuryevna Barsukova1, Sergey Nikolaevich Levin2
1National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia, svbars@mail.ru , https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2696-4882
2KEMER State University. Kemerovo. Russia, levin.sergey.n@gmail.com , https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3881-3579
4.9.4 It is possible to provide the e-mail address of only one author with whom correspondence is planned, or a separate indication of the author for correspondence in the form: "The author responsible for correspondence:" ("Corresponding author:"). This indication is placed after the information about all the authors on a separate line at the beginning of the article.
The author responsible for the correspondence: Ivan Vasilyevich Perov, ivp@mail.ru Corresponding author: Ivan V. Perov, ivp@mail.ru
4.9.5 When the e-mail address of only one author is given or this author is listed separately as responsible for correspondence, the e-mail addresses of other authors are given in additional information about the authors at the end of the article.
4.9.6 Information about the author(s) is repeated in English after the title of the article in English. The first and last name of the author(s) are given in full transliterated form in Latin, the patronymic is shortened to one letter (in some cases, due to the peculiarities of transliteration, up to two letters).
Sergey Yu. Glaz'ev Financial University. Moscow. Russia, serg1784@ mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4616-0758
4.9.7 Additional information about the author(s) may include:
- full names, patronymics and surnames, e-mail addresses and ORCIDS of the authors, if they are not indicated on the front page of the article (see;
- academic titles;
- academic degrees;
- other than ORCID, international identification numbers of authors.
Additional information about the author (authors) is given with the preceding words "Information about the author (authors)" ("Information about the author (authors)') and indicate at the end of the article after the "List of sources".
Information about the authors Yu.A. Zubok – Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor;
V. I. Chuprov – Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor.
Information about the authors
Ju. A. Zubok – Doctor of Science (Sociology), Professor;
V. I. Chuprov – Doctor of Science (Sociology), Professor.
Information about the academic degree and title of the author can be given in an abbreviated form.
Information about the author
S. Y. Gpaziev – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences.
Information about the author
S. Yu. Glaz'ev – Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof., Acad, of the Russ. Acad, of Sciences.
The editorial board of the publication can expand additional information about the author: specify his position (with the name and address of the organization), honorary titles, membership in organizations, etc
. 4.10 The annotation is formed according to GOST R 7.0.99. The volume of the abstract does not exceed 250 words. The word "Abstract" is given before the annotation.
A summary may be provided instead of an abstract. The volume of the resume usually does not exceed 250 – 300 words.
4.11 Keywords (phrases) must correspond to the volume of the article and reflect its subject, terminological area. They do not use generalized and polysemantic words, as well as phrases. containing participial expressions.
The number of keywords (phrases) should not be less than 3 and more than 15 words (phrases). They are given, preceded by the words "Keywords:" ("Keywords:"), and separated from each other by commas. There is no period after the keywords.
Book publishing in Russia in 2019
Galina Viktorovna Perova1, Konstantin Mikhailovich Sukhorukov2
1, 2Russian Book Chamber. Moscow. Russia
1perova_g@ tass.ru
Annotation. The authors present the main statistical indicators of domestic book publishing in 2019, analyzing the state of print publications and trends in the development of publishing in Russia.
Keywords: publishing, book publishing statistics. Russian Book Chamber, Russia
Publishing in Russia in 2019
Galina V. Perova1, Konstantin M. Sukhorukov2
1, 2Russian Book Chamber, Moscow, Russia
Abstract. The authors provide the main statistics of the Russian book publishing in 2019, analyzing the output indicators of printed publications and trends in the publishing industry in Russia. Keywords: publishing, publishing statistics, Russian Book Chamber, Russia.
4.12 After the keywords, words of gratitude are given to organizations (institutions), scientific supervisors and other persons who assisted in the preparation of the article, information about grants, financing of the preparation and publication of the article, projects, research works in the framework or based on the results of which the article was published.
This information is given with the preceding word "Thanks:". In English, the words of gratitude are given after the keywords in English with the word “Acknowledgments" preceding:”.
Acknowledgements: the work was carried out with the support of the Russian Science Foundation, project No. 17-77-3019; the authors express their gratitude to Alexey Vadimovich Zimin for providing data on bottom topography in the White Sea.
Acknowledgments: the work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, Project № 17-77-300; the authors are grateful to Aleksey V. Zimin for providing the bottom topography data of the White Sea.
Information about the financing of the research, preparation and publication of the article can be given separately with the preceding word "Financing:" ("Funding:" or "Financial Support:").
4.13 The copyright protection mark is given in accordance with GOST R 7.0.1 at the bottom of the first page of the article, indicating the surname and initials of the author(s) or other copyright holders and the year of publication of the article.
4.14 The list of non-textual bibliographic references is placed after the main text of the article with the preceding words "List of sources". The use of the words "Bibliographic list", "Bibliography" is not recommended.
4.14.1 The list of non-textual bibliographic references includes entries only to resources that are mentioned or cited in the main text of the article. The bibliographic record for the list of non-textual bibliographic references is made according to GOST R 7.0.5.
4.14.2 References to non-textual bibliographic references are made according to GOST R 7.0.5.
4.14.3 Bibliographic records in the list of non-textual bibliographic references are numbered and arranged in the order of citation of sources in the text of the article.
4.14.4 Additionally provide a list of non-textual bibliographic references in Latin (“References”) according to the selected style of the list of non-textual bibliographic references adopted in foreign publications: Harvard, Vancouver, Chicago, ACS (American Chemical Society), AMS (American Mathematical Society), APA (American Psychological Association), etc. (see Appendix A). The numbering of entries in the supplementary list of non-textual bibliographic references should coincide with the numbering of entries in the main list of non-textual bibliographic references.
4.15 The reference list should be placed after the list of non-textual links with the preceding words "Bibliographic list".
4.15.1 The bibliographic list includes entries to resources on the topic of the article that are not referenced, as well as entries to the works of persons to whom the article is dedicated. The bibliographic entry for the reference list is made according to GOST 7.80, GOST R 7.0.100.
4.15.2 Bibliographic entries in the reference list are numbered and arranged alphabetically or chronologically.
4.16 Information about the continuation or end of the article should be indicated when it is published in parts in several editions of the publication at the end of each part, except the last, in form: "The continuation (ending) follows."

4.16.1 On the page with the beginning of each subsequent part of the article, in a footnote or before the text, put a mark "Continuation (ending)" and indicate the number(s) of the issue(s) of the publication in which the previous parts of the article were printed.
4.16.2 When publishing an article with a gap in one issue of the publication, at the end of each part, except for the last, mark "Continuation (end) on p. ...". On the page with the beginning of each subsequent part of the article published in one issue of the publication, before the text of the part of the article mark "Continuation (end). The beginning is on the page ...".
4.17 The appendix (appendices) to the article is published with its own title. In the title or subtitle data of the application, information is provided that this publication is an appendix to the main article. If there are two or more applications, they are numbered.
4.18 The article may contain in-text, subscript and out-of-text notes.
4.18.1 In-text notes are placed inside the main text of the article in parentheses.
4.18.2 Footnotes are placed at the bottom of the corresponding page of the text of the article.
4.18.3 Off-text notes are placed after the main text of the article before the "List of sources" with the preceding word "Notes".
4.18.4 Out-of-text and footnotes are associated with the text to which they relate, with callout or reference signs.
4.18.5 In-text and footnotes containing bibliographic references are compiled according to GOST R 7.0.5.
4.18.6 When publishing an article translated from the language of the peoples of the Russian Federation or a foreign language, as well as when reprinting an article from another source, a bibliographic entry for the original article according to GOST 7.80, GOST R 7.0.100. 4.19 Information on the
date of receipt of the manuscript to the editorial office of the publication, the date of approval after reviewing and the date of acceptance of the article for publication is given at the end of the article after all other information.
The article was received by the editorial office on 07/06/2020; approved after review on 08/08/2020; accepted for publication on 08/14/2020.
The article was submitted on 07/06/2020; approved after reviewing on 08/08/2020; accepted for publication on 08/14/2020.
4.20 Additional elements of the publishing design of articles are given before or after the main text of the article.
4.20.1 A bibliographic entry for an article in the language of its text (except English) for further citation is made according to GOST R 7.0.5 and given after keywords (phrases) in the language of the text of the article, preceded by the words "For citation:".
For citation: Sapir E. V., Karachev I. A. Challenges of a New Investment Policy: Protection and Encouragement of Capital Investments // Finance: Theory and Practice. 2020. Vol. 24, No. 3. pp. 118-131. https://doi.org/10.26794/2587-5671 - 2020-24-3-118-131.
The bibliographic entry for the article in English for further citation is made according to the chosen style of design of the list of non-textual bibliographic references adopted in foreign publications (see 4.14.4) and is given after the keywords (phrases) in English, preceded by the words “For citation:".
For citation: Sapir E. V., Karachev I. A. Challenges of a new investment policy: Investment promotion and protection. Finance: Theory and practice. 2020;24(3):118- 131. (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.26794/2587-5671-2020-24-3-118-131.
Russian and English versions of the article are available in two electronic formats, no indication of the language (In Russian) is given.
4.20.2 Information about the contribution of each author, if the article has several authors, is given at the end of the article after the "Information about the authors". This information is preceded by the words "Contribution of the authors:" ("Contribution of the authors:"). After the surname and initials of the author, his personal contribution to the writing of the article is briefly described (idea, collection of material, processing of material, writing of the article, scientific editing of the text, etc.).
Contribution of the authors:
Artemyeva S. S. – scientific management; research concept; development of methodology; participation in the development of educational programs and their implementation; writing the source text; final conclusions.
Mitrokhin V. V. – participation in the development of educational programs and their implementation; revision of the text; final conclusions.
Contribution of the authors:
Artemyeva S. S. – scientific management; research concept; methodology development; participation in development of curricula and their implementation; writing the draft; final conclusions.
Mitrokhin V. V. – participation in development of curricula and their implementation; follow-on revision of the text; final conclusions.
4.10.3 Information on the absence or presence of a conflict of interest and the details of such a conflict, if any, are given at the end of the article after the "Information about the authors". If the article provides data on the contribution of each author, then information about the absence or presence of a conflict of interest is indicated after them.
Contribution of the authors: all the authors have made an equivalent contribution to the preparation of the publication.
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
Contribution of the authors: the authors contributed equally to this article.
The authors declare no conflicts of interests.

For examples of publishing design, see GOST R 7.0.7-2021.

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The cost and other details need to be discussed separately on a case-by-case basis.

The Newsletter is supposed to be funded from AMTECH funds.

The review of articles and other materials of the Bulletin is carried out by the Editorial Board

The publication of articles is paid.

The cost of publication will depend on the volume and complexity, so it will be set individually for each specific material.

The AMTECH newsletter will be distributed by subscription.

For AMTECH members, the subscription price is 1 ruble. For other subscribers, the price will be set later.

In the first phase, which will take at least two years, the AMTECH Newsletter will be distributed free of charge.

The Bulletin AMTECH is a periodical and will be published 4 times a year, not counting special issues.

The Amtech Bulletin respects copyrights for authors.

Kushlinsky Nikolai  — Head of the Laboratory of Clinical Biochemistry of the N. N. Blokhin Research Center of Oncology and the Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Diagnostics of the Moscow State Medical University
doctor of medical sciences

academician Russian Academy of Sciences ,
academician Russian Academy of Sciences from 01.01.2021 until now
Moscow, Russian Federation
Grachev Alexey  — Head of the Laboratory of Biology of Stromal Tumor Cells of the N. N. Blokhin Research Center of Oncology
doctor of sciences in biology

Moscow, Russian Federation
Kudryavtseva Larisa  — Head of the Laboratory Department of Infectious Diseases Clinical Hospital No. 1 of the Moscow Department of Health
doctor of medical sciences from 01.01.2008 until now

professor Russian Academy of Medical Sciences from 01.01.2009 until now
Moscow, Russian Federation
Emanuel Vladimir  — Head of the Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics with a course in Molecular Medicine of the Pavlov Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, member of the Presidium and Chairman of the Coordinating Council for Metrology in Medicine of the Metrological Academy, Expert on certification of management systems for compliance with ISO 13485:2016, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Federation of Laboratory Medicine.
doctor of sciences in biology from 01.01.2000 until now

professor Russian Academy of Sciences from 01.01.2002 until now
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Maslennikov Vladimir  — Chif editor
Association for furthering Medical Technologies (AMTECH) (Chairman)
from 01.01.2022 until now candidate of medical sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation


Code 3.3.8
Name Клиническая лабораторная диагностика
Code 3.3.9
Name Медицинская информатика
Code 3.3.6
Name Фармакология, клиническая фармакология


Code 614.2
Name Организация здравоохранения
Code 616-07
Name Семиология. Общее учение о проявлениях болезни. Симптоматология. Общее учение о признаках и формах заболеваний. Исследование. Диагностика. Пропедевтика
Code 616-7
Name Медицинские инструменты. Медицинское оборудование
Code 616.3
Name Заболевания пищеварительной системы


Code 76.09
Name Медицинские материалы, средства и изделия
Code 76.03
Name Медико-биологические дисциплины
Code 76.13
Name Медицинская техника
Code 76.29
Name Клиническая медицина


Code 31.08.05
Name Клиническая лабораторная диагностика
Code 31.08.06
Name Лабораторная генетика
Code 31.08.28
Name Гастроэнтерология


Code 511
Name Социальная гигиена и организация здравоохранения
Code 58
Name Прикладные отрасли медицины
Code 534
Name Общая диагностика


Code 5714
Name Иммунология и иммунопатология
Code 5712
Name Медицинская биология. Гистология
Code 5717
Name Медицинская генетика
Code 5716
Name Медицинская микробиология, паразитология и вирусология
Code 5732
Name Общая диагностика. Пропедевтика


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